Azeri education minister meets students entered world's leading universities

Azerbaijan's minister of education Misir Mardanov met students, who entered the world's leading universities within the "State program on education of Azerbaijani young people in abroad for 2007-2015".
Mr. Mardanov said up to now, 512 Azerbaijani young people get higher education in abroad, including Germany, Turkey, France, UK, Korea, Singapore. About 200 students are expected to get higher education this year in ICT, medicine, math, physics, biology and other fields. The education is fully paid by the government of Azerbaijan, Minister said.
Deputy Foreign Minister, rector of Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy Hafiz Pashayev briefed on significance of the state program. He gave recommendations to the students. Chief of the foreign relations department of Presidential Administration Novruz Mammadov touched on important role of education and wished Azerbaijani young people success.
Rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Chairman of Milli Majlis Committee on International and Interparliamentary Relations Samad Seyidov, and Chairman of Azerbaijan State Committee on Work with Diaspora Nazim Ibrahimov congratulated the students.
The students, who study at the universities of France, Singapore and Korea, thanked President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for attention and care.



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