Baku High Oil School to cooperate with Statoil-Azerbaijan

The Baku High Oil School (BHOS) signed a cooperation protocol with the Statoil-Azerbaijan company.
The signing ceremony brought together rector of the BHOS Elmar Gasimov, President of Statoil-Azerbaijan Lars Troen Sorensen, Norwegian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Erling Skjønsberg and other officials.
Addressing the event, the BHOS rector said that the BHOS had cooperative relations with foreign oil companies operating in Azerbaijan. The signed protocol is an indicator of this cooperation. The protocol features organization of reciprocal visits and trainings between students and company employees.
The Statoil-Azerbaijan President noted that the company organizes a range of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Statoil`s activity in Azerbaijan.
“We are pleased from the cooperation with the BHOS. Statoil-Azerbaijan will contribute to developing Azerbaijan`s oil and gas industry within the cooperation. The protocol to cover 5 years will create opportunities to take part in preparation of professionals in oil field,” Sorensen said.
The Norwegian ambassador praised development of Azerbaijan, as well as the BHOS.


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