Entrants visit Baku branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University

New entrants have visited the Baku branch of the Moscow State University after Lomonosov. (MSU).
They met members of an examining board and teachers and professors at the MSU.
Speaking to the event, Nargiz Pashayeva, rector of the MSU`s Baku Branch, congratulated the university entrants.
"It is for the third time that we hold entrance exams to the Baku Branch of the Moscow State University. And all entrants have shown high knowledge, skills and decisiveness," she said.
Pashayeva said 92 students entered the branch to study mathematics, chemistry, philology and psychology.
She also thanked MSU Rector Viktor Sadovnichy for supporting the work of the examining board.
Other speakers at the event included director of the Baku branch, PhD in physics and mathematics Vitaly Fedorchuk, professor Yuri Sadovnichy, candidate of psychological sciences Andrei Kiselnikov, secretary of the examining board, PhD in chemistry Sergey Karlov, and PhD Alexandra Anisimova. They stressed the fact the MSU is ranked in the top 100 list of the world universities. The speakers also praised rector Nargiz Pashayeva`s support and attention to students at the MSU Baku Branch.



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