UNESCO gives high assessment to the researches of Azerbaijani scientists

Today the nanotechnologies are one of the most important directions of the world science. Scope of application of nanotechnologies is very wide: ecology, medicine, space, cybernetics, the industry, the oil sector.
Application of nanotechnologies in petroleum industry is of great importance for Azerbaijan which is one of large suppliers of crude oil on the world market, and where is given the lead role to oil branch in economic growth.
Scientific work "The nanotechnology in petroleum industry (fundamental scientific research, invention and application)" the authors of which are renowned scientists and experts of Azerbaijan Azad Mirzajanzade, Abel Maharramov, Rovnag Abdullayev, Khoshbakht Yusifzade, Eldar Shahbazov, Rahman Gurbanov, Sabuhi Ahmadov and others, has been highly appreciated by UNESCO.
Results of the joint researches carried out by employees of Baku State University and the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic testify that as a result nano-influence and nano-environment it was cardinally improved technical and economic indicators of technological processes of petroleum industry. As a result of application of the new system created on a basis nano-part of metal, the oil recovery increased in 2,0-2,5 times in wells with low productivity.
It was revealed by Azerbaijani scientists and experts that thanks to application of nanotechnologies the superficial tension has decreased for 70 percent, level of deposits of salts - to 60 percent.



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