BHOS announces admission to MBA program

For the first time, Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) invites graduates and young specialists to study Master of Business Administration (MBA) at BHOS. In 2018-2019 academic year, BHOS initiates admission to MBA and Master in Process Automation Engineering programs alongside the recently launched Master programs in Petroleum Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

It is planned to accept 30 MBA students to BHOS this year. The program is tailored in the way to meet needs of working professionals, as the lessons will be conducted in the evenings. Like all other disciplines at the Higher School, the two-year course is taught in English by experienced teachers and professors from Azerbaijan and foreign countries.

Within the program, the participants will study the following subjects: management, financial management, international business, economic statistics, marketing strategy, financial accounting, strategic management, investments and finances, industrial management, human resources management and information technologies management.

Study in MBA at BHOS, which is the most modernized science and education institution in the country involved in training and education of professional engineers, shall provide young specialists with opportunities to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, business and administration.

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