Azerbaijan-Romania Interuniversity Forum kicks off

Azerbaijan-Romania Interuniversity Forum got underway at ADA University on May 24.

A Romanian delegation led by the State Secretary at the National Education Ministry Mr. Gigel Paraschiv, including officials of the ministry, representatives of 10 higher education institutions joined the Forum.

Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Firudin Gurbanov also participated in the Forum, which was attended by the representatives of 16 Azerbaijani higher education institutions.

It is the first event of this scale that brings together Azerbaijani and Romanian higher education institutions.  Azerbaijani graduates of Romanian higher education institutions were also among the participants.

After the opening ceremony, the Forum continued in panel discussions. The event featured the signing of several cooperation documents between higher education institutions.

On the second day of the Forum, the representatives of the higher education institutions of Romania will have the opportunity to visit campuses of their counterpart local universities to get familiar with their infrastructure.

The Forum also featured a meeting between the deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Firudin Gurbanov and the State Secretary at the National Education Ministry of Romania Mr. Gigel Paraschiv. They discussed prospects for cooperation, including dual programs between higher education institutions, and student and teacher exchange.


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