Media representatives given tour of newly-built modular schools

Media representatives were given a tour of the newly-built modular schools in Ismayilli and Goychay districts on April 26.

Media representatives first visited Yenikand village secondary school in Ismaiylli district. They were informed that the school has four classrooms, a teachers` room and a lavatory. The school has a total enrollment of nine pupils.

Media representatives then viewed Hajaghabayli modular classrooms of Yeniarkh village secondary school in Goychay district.  The school has four classrooms, a teachers` room and a lavatory. It has an enrollment of 16 pupils, who are served by four teachers. Three modular schools have been built in Goychay, Ismayilli and Lankaran under a pilot project implemented in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev`s instructions to replace unsafe school buildings with modular schools in 2017-2018, which the head of state gave at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers to discuss results of the country`s socio-economic development in the first three quarters of 2016. It is planned that 232 modular schools will be built in 2017-2018. Hundred such schools will be built this year. Twenty-three modular schools are now being built in 17 districts, and the construction of 19 more schools will begin until the end of May.

The advantages of modular schools include low-cost building work, quick construction and portability of module sections, and the opportunity to adjust the number of classrooms to the number of pupils. Modular schools will also be built during major repairs of old school buildings in order to ensure uninterrupted study process.

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