1st International Caspian Energy Forum–2014 starts in Baku

On April 23rd, the 1st International Caspian Energy Forum–2014 kicked off in Baku.
Organized by the Caspian Energy International Media Group, the forum brings together 300 delegates from 50 countries. The forum is supported by Azerbaijan`s Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament, Ministry of Energy, State Oil Company, State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent, State Customs Committee, State Migration Service, Embassy of the United States to Azerbaijan, and Caspian European Club (CEIBC).
The first session of the forum is themed “EU’s energy security through cooperation with the Caspian-Black Sea region states”. It will be chaired by Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Natig Aliyev.
Called “Natural gas and unconventional natural gas – major energy carrier of the 21st century - exploration and production prospects in the Caspian”, the second session will be chaired by Khoshbakht Yusifzade, First Vice-President for Geology, Geophysics and Field Development at State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Thematic forums, Caspian European Financial Forum, Caspian European IT Forum, Caspian European Industry Forum и Caspian European Infrastructure Forum, will be held in the second half of the day.
The forum will be attended by heads of government agencies, ministries, committees and agencies of Azerbaijan as well as the countries of the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic regions, representatives of diplomatic missions and missions of international organizations accredited in Azerbaijan, executives of international companies.
Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation OJSC was a platinum sponsor of the forum. Cross Caspian Oil & Gas Logistics LLC is a silver sponsor. Bronze sponsors are SOCAR-AQS, Caspian Wireline Services, Atropatena, Schnieder Electric, R.I.S.K. Company, PASHA Insurance, Azersun Holding, Improtex Travel (official travel agency), BESTCOMP Group (official IT partner), Azertexnolayn and SNF Vostok LLC.


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