“2020 & Beyond: Accelerating Economic Development” Azerbaijan Investment Summit kicks off

On March 12th an Azerbaijani Investment Summit themed “2020 & Beyond: Accelerating Economic Development” commenced in capital Baku.
The summit has assembled an international audience of policy-makers, CEOs, investors and NGOs to discuss opportunities for Azerbaijan to accelerate its economic development.
Opening the event, Simon Wright, the energy and commodities correspondent for The Economist magazine, highlighted the latest achievements of Azerbaijan`s economy and prospects for its further growth.
Topics to be discussed include: The global trends which will impact Azerbaijan`s economic growth and outlining risk scenarios which investors should prepare for; Azerbaijan investment prospects, which sectors promise the biggest returns?’ and Agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, ICT…we will reveal where money is to be made; How to run a business in today`s Azerbaijan, via first-hand testimony from the country`s most successful investors; What do they know now that they wished they`d known before?; What legislative steps will be taken to improve market access and competitiveness?


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