Round table on “Shahdeniz-2” and “Southern Gas Corridor” held in Washington

On March 4th a round table titled “Shahdeniz-2” and “Southern Gas Corridor” was held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), in Washington, the U.S.
The event was moderated by senior fellow of the Centre Edward Chow.
Deputy Vice-President of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) Vitaly Baylarbayov delivered a speech at the event.
He provided an insight into “Southern Gas Corridor” project, and stressed the importance of the project for Azerbaijan and the regional countries.
He also provided information about “Shahdeniz-2” project, as well as prospects of the oilfield.
Baylarbayov highlighted fruitful cooperation of Azerbaijan with its international partners.
He stressed the role of “Southern Gas Corridor” for economy of the European countries.
Other speakers at the event included Director of US Environment and Energy Department Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Elizabeth Urbanas, and senior adviser with CSIS Energy and National Security Program Robinson West.
The event brought together officials of the US public bodies, ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in Washington, representatives of analytic centers and journalists.


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