“Global Cyber Security Cooperation: Challenges and Visions” conference kicks off in Baku

On December 2nd a conference titled “Global Cyber Security Cooperation: Challenges and Visions” started in Baku as part of BakuTel 2013, 19th Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Technologies Exhibition.
The conference, organized by the Government of Azerbaijan with the support of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and INTERPOL, welcomed leading global experts on economic development and government policy to discuss strategies to leverage the transformational power of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to foster greater international cooperation on securing cyber space.
The Conference aims to facilitate discussions on all aspects of cyber security and to promote the exchange of best practices, as well as sharing of meaningful information on major developments in the protection of online activities. The Conference brought together high-level delegates and leading experts from governments, businesses, academia and NGOs to explore prospects for further cooperation and to provide key insights into crucial cyber security issues.
The event is supported by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies and sponsored by HP.


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