Azerbaijan advances 7 spots for global competitiveness index to rank 39th among 148 countries

Azerbaijan has climbed seven spots to rank 39th for global competitiveness index among 148 countries as the World Economic Forum has released its “Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014”.
Azerbaijan rose from 46th place to 39th in the Report, which put Kazakhstan 50th, while Georgia, Armenia and Russia 72nd, 79th and 64th respectively.
Azerbaijan`s moving forward in the Report amid global economic crisis testifies to the country`s successful socio-economic policy and its increasing international prestige.
Azerbaijan posted the best result among the CIS countries.
The Report also placed Azerbaijan 8th for macroeconomic environment, 30th for labour market efficiency, 50th for technological readiness and 51st for innovations.
The most capable country for competitiveness is Switzerland, followed by Singapore, Finland, Germany and the US.


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