Azerbaijan`s Minister of Communications and Information Technologies meets Swedish Ambassador

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov has met Swedish ambassador Michael Ericsson.
Michael Ericsson highlighted the reforms in the ICT sphere, as well as regional projects carrying out in the country. He also noted that leading companies of Sweden were interested in implementation of investment in Azerbaijan, adding the State Fund for Development of IT, particularly Techno Park and IT University and the other initiatives would give impetus to the realization of these projects.
On possibility of holding of the Azerbaijan-Sweden business forum in Baku, in the next year, he also stressed the importance of the participation of Sweden in “BakuTel-2013” exhibition and arrangement of the 1st ICT forum of the two countries.
Ali Abbasov said that these relations would continue to expand in the ICT sphere, adding Azerbaijan was available for Swedish businessmen.


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