German Development Bank (KfW) and Government of Azerbaijan sign credit agreement

On December 20th in the meeting held at the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan, chaired by the deputy premier Abid Sharifov, the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Azerbaijan signed a credit agreement to finance the Ganja-Sheki water-sewerage project.
As stated, during the 20-years of cooperation, over 60 documents came into effect to boost numerous agreements of cooperation, including economic cooperation between the two countries.
Director General of KfW Development Bank Activities in South East Europe Roland Siller spoke of the history of cooperation with the Azerbaijani Government, expressed deep interest in expansion of these ties.
Under the newly signed agreement, KFW Bank has allocated totally 100 million Euros to finance restoration of the Ganja-Sheki water-sewerage project.
The KfW Bank is said also to allocate extra funds for investment, cadastre and immovable property registration projects.


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