ADB`s new partnership strategy on Azerbaijan to be signed next year

New partnership strategy of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Azerbaijan will be signed next year, said Resident Representative of the Bank for Azerbaijan Olly Norojono at a press conference dedicated to outcomes of the bank`s activity in Azerbaijan in 2012.
Olly Norojono said the ADB plans to allocate up to $155 million to Azerbaijan`s government in 2013 and $170 mln in 2014, respectively.
In the first trench ADB will allocate up to $250 000 for technical assistance projects, as well as for the construction of Jalilabad-Masalli highway.
Norojono noted that the ADB`s current portfolio on Azerbaijan is $990 mln and 46%of this amount is granted to transport, while 16% to energy and 38% to urban services.
Note that the second trench comprises of $500 mln.
Speaking about the new partnership strategy to be signed next year Olly Norojono underlined that new strategy covering 5 years is a very important and significant document for ADB.
“The ADB and Azerbaijani government will hold discussions on the document. In the first term of 2013 priorities will be determined,” ADB`s Resident Representative added.
The new partnership strategy is developed in accordance with the Azerbaijani government`s ‘Azerbaijan-2020: vision into the future’ Development Concept. This document will support bank in cooperation with the country.

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