PASHA Bank attends SIBOS forum - 2012

PASHA Bank, a leading corporate bank in Azerbaijan, participates in the largest international financial forum SIBOS opened on Monday in Osaka city of Japan.
"This is the third international forum SIBOS, that we actively participate in. Such events support development of new business relations, give us a chance to become familiar with innovations in banking sector. In other words, SIBOS - is the «bank field», which opens new horizons for the players of the world market", CEO of PASHA Bank Farid Akhundov said.
According to, the event brings together several thousand representatives of leading credit and financial organizations from all over the world.
As always, representatives of leading banks, financial structures and corporations, as well as consultants, developers of equipment and solutions for the financial sphere are attending the forum.
Meetings of SIBOS focuses on discussions of a wide range of existing problems in global finance industry, including issues of the interaction of banks and major corporations all around the world, introduction of new financial services, and development of capital markets, improvement of risk management systems and many others.



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