Azeri Premier meets head of Uruguayan Customs Service

On October 1st Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met head of Uruguayan Customs Service Enrique Gilberto Canon Pedragosa.
Pedragosa said he was happy with his visit to Azerbaijan.
The head of Uruguayan Customs Service noted he had eye-witnessed big construction work in Azerbaijan, and praised the country`s economic development.
During the meeting, they discussed current state of trade between Azerbaijan and Uruguay.
They noted there were ample opportunities to expand economic cooperation between the two countries even more.
They stressed the importance of preparing necessary agreements for establishing a legal framework for cooperation between the two countries` customs services.
Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Rasizade said the conflict must be settled only on the basis of norms and principles of international law, Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.
They also discussed a number of other issues of mutual interest.
Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, lieutenant-general Aydin Aliyev was present at the meeting.



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