Azerbaijani Premier meets Hungarian counterpart

On June 30th Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met visiting Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban.


Rasizade said Azerbaijan and Hungary have good potential to develop economic relations.


The Azerbaijani Premier noted Orban`s visit would open a new stage in development of the bilateral relationship.


Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Rasizade said that as a result of Armenia`s aggressive policy against Azerbaijan, 20 percent of the country`s territories was occupied and more than one million Azerbaijanis were subjected to ethnic cleansing.


The PM also noted that Azerbaijan supports the conflict`s resolution on the basis of norms of international law.


The Hungarian PM underlined the importance of the Crans Montana Forum in Baku.


He expressed pleasure with his visit to Azerbaijan.


Orban said he supports peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.



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