Azercell brings 4G high-speed Mobile Internet to Azerbaijan

On the eve of the second semi-final of the Eurovision 2012 Song Contest, Azercell Telecom presented the latest technology to its subscribers. "The company completed all the necessary procedures for launching the high-speed Mobile Internet services based on 4G technology. Mobile Internet with 4G speed will be available for the commercial use of Azercell subscribers soon", the company`s head Ali Agan said at a press conference held in "Hyatt Regency-Nakchivan" hotel on Thursday.
Known as the fourth generation Mobile communication technology, 4G provides access to the network with high-speed Internet up to 100 Mbps and moreover, creates a chance for super speed on data transfer. At the initial stage Azercell`s 4G network will cover the downtown area and the Seaside National Park in Baku. The network will operate on 1800 MHz frequency and the speed for data transfer will be up to 100 Mb per second.
4G modems will be on sale as of 18th of June this year. In order to use this Azercell service, the customers will be able to purchase 4G modem and subscribe to UNLIMITED Mobile Internet pack, while visiting one of the dealer networks or Azercell Ekpres offices located in Baku.
It should be noted that one can subscribe to the UNLIMITED Mobile Internet pack only in 4G network, but this pack can also be used in Azercell`s 2G/3G networks. On the other hand, 2G/3G Mobile Internet packs cannot be used in 4G network. If the subscriber uses 2G/3G Mobile Internet packs, then he/she cannot subscribe to the unlimited 4G Mobile Internet pack. 4G network does not support voice services, SMS and MMS.
Another interesting fact is that, apart from some Nordic and Baltic countries, 4G technology has not been widely introduced so far. Up to date it has not been fully launched even in the developed European countries, including Turkey, France, Italy and Spain. Always prioritizing the subscribers comfort, Azercell Telecom continues to bring the cutting-edge technological innovations to them.



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