ADA presents book "Azerbaijan as a regional hub in Central Eurasia"

A presentation of Taleh Ziyadov`s book "Azerbaijan as a regional hub in Central Eurasia" took place in Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy (ADA). 
Rector of ADA Hafiz Pashayev hoped the studies carried out in the book would make contribution to development of the conception "Azerbaijan 2020: view to future" and of the country`s non-oil sector.
The book says: "Planning in the twenty-first century involves building strategies to address the challenges of the next 20, 30 and even 50 years. Domestic issues can no longer be tackled without looking beyond national borders and assessing the increasingly interdependent nature of the global marketplace and its various influences. In today's globalized world with all its complex interactions, it is inevitable that the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia (i.e. Central Eurasia) will find new synergies through which they can develop and secure their positions in the international economic and political arena of the future. Azerbaijan has and will continue to play a key role in Central Eurasia, helping to shape a common vision for the region and facilitate its transformation. Its vast natural resources could stimulate the development of its non-oil economy and revive non-oil trade in the region, restoring its historical position as a commercial hub along the ancient Silk Road. By 2030, the country could be a prosperous regional hub in Central Eurasia - but for this to occur, Azerbaijan needs to set out a comprehensive strategy for sustainable development. This book provides a strategic analysis of the Euro-Asian trade and transportation networks through Central Eurasia, identifying key lessons for Azerbaijan and other aspiring hub countries. It offers an independent and comprehensive view on how, if at all, Azerbaijan could be developed into a regional hub in Central Eurasia."



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