Azerbaijan, Korea mull customs cooperation

On May 1st head of the Azerbaijan`s State Customs Committee (SCC) Aydin Aliyev met Commissioner of the Korea Customs Service Joo Yung-sup.
Aydin Aliyev updated his Korean counterpart on the SCC`s activity and progress achieved in the past 20 years.
He also highlighted the Korean experience in the customs service.
Joo Yung-sup, in his turn, hailed economic relations between the two countries. He also stressed importance of further development of cooperation in the customs sphere.
The sides also discussed mutual assistance, management model as well as control over borders in relevant sphere.
The sides are also expected to sign an agreement on customs cooperation between Azerbaijan and Korea.
A presentation on the activity of the Korean customs service was held at the meeting.
Following the meeting, the Korean delegation led by Joo Yung-sup saw the Risk Management Center of SCC.



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