Azerbaijani minister of finance meets WB and IMF officials

Azerbaijani minister of finance Samir Sharifov met with officials of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Washington. 
Mr. Sharifov met with WB Vice-President for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Philippe Le Houerou. Mr. Sharifov updated the vice-president on social and economic development of Azerbaijan, state of the large-scale projects funded by the World Bank, the new economic development strategy and the non-oil sector.
Azerbaijani minister and WB regional director for Southern Caucasus Asad Alami discussed the WB projects being implemented in Azerbaijan.
Samir Sharifov also met with IMF deputy executive director Nemat Schafik and chief of the department for Near East and Central Asia Masud Ahmad. The economic results 2011, macroeconomic priorities 2012 and state of the financial sector were in the focus of meeting. The IMF officials hailed economic growth, macroeconomic and financial stability in the country.
During the meeting with WB executive director on Azerbaijan Yorg Friden and IMF executive director on Azerbaijan Rene Werber, Mr. Sharifov briefed about economic situation in Azerbaijan and contribution of the WB and IMF in implementation of the economic development programs. The IMF officials praised relations established between Azerbaijan and the International Monetary Fund.



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