Premier of Azerbaijan meets FAO delegation

On April 18th Azerbaijan's Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met the delegation led by UN FAO Director General Jose Graziano da Silva. 
Premier Rasizade stressed that the government of Azerbaijan pays great importance to cooperation with the FAO, highly assessing the decision of conducting the organization's next meeting in Baku. The forthcoming forum of FAO in Baku will promote to respond the region's needs as the food shortage is the major problem of humanity in the wake of speedy rise of the number of world's population, the Premier underlined.
Informing on the measures the government undertakes to develop agriculture in the country, the Azerbaijani Premier said the agrarian priorities were defined by the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, and is being implemented by the incumbent president Ilham Aliyev successfully. The major development priorities will promote to realize the State Program on socio-economic projects and poverty reduction.
UN FAO general director expressed gratitude to the government of Azerbaijan for organizing the 28th regional conference of FAO in Baku.



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