Turkey`s "Zaman" newspaper publishes article on energy policy in Caspian-Black Sea basin by Azerbaijani professor

Turkey`s "Zaman" newspaper published an article on energy policy in the Caspian-Black Sea basin by the Azerbaijani professor Ali Hasanov. 
The article features information on creation of new geopolitical and geo-economic conditions in the light of export of rich energy resources from the Central Asia and Caspian region to world markets after collapse of the Soviet Union, increasing interest of foreign companies in the region.
The author says that after restoring its independence Azerbaijan together with international partners - Turkey and the Western countries - demonstrated the will for development of oil and gas fields, export of energy products. Azerbaijan`s efforts in the light of the new conditions gave an impetus to the new geopolitical relations which were established on the basis of the energy policy and contributed to serious competition in the Eurasian region and the world.
The article reveals some fundamental characteristics and geopolitical nuances of the policy on the issues of energy routes and pipelines in Central Asia, the Caspian basin and the South Caucasus. It says the relevant features include development of rich oil and gas fields, finding of routes for deliveries of production to the world markets, the price of oil and gas, implementation of the East-West corridor and pipelines projects for exports, and others.
The article stresses that rich oil and gas resources of the Caspian basin augments the geopolitical and economic importance of this region in the world, turns it into one of the most significant sources in ensuring energy security of the world and strategic energy needs.



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