Dushanbe hosts 1st meeting of Azerbaijan-Tajikistan Intergovernmental Commission on trade and economic cooperation

The first meeting of Azerbaijan-Tajikistan Intergovernmental Commission on trade and economic cooperation was held Monday in Dushanbe.
Azerbaijan`s delegation at the event was headed by co-chair of the Commission, Economic Development Minister Shahin Mustafayev.
Addressing the meeting Mustafayev highlighted the ongoing economic reforms in Azerbaijan. He said Azerbaijan attaches great importance to development of cooperation with Tajikistan in all spheres, particularly economic one.
The meeting participants discussed the current state of and prospects for trade and economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. They said expansion of bilateral economic cooperation meets interests of both countries. They noted so far the two countries signed 21 documents covering all areas. Trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan averaged $21,1 million last year.
The participants also exchanged views on how to expand cooperation in energy, transport, agricultural, education, cultural, healthcare, tourism, sports and other spheres.
A joint protocol on the outcomes of the meeting was signed.



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