Azerbaijan, Tatarstan: reciprocal visits promote development of relations

On March 5th Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met the delegation led by the Premier of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Ildar Khalikov. 
Development of the two countries` bilateral relations, as well as the business ties were in focus.
Rasizade congratulated his counterpart on successful results of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation that elected Vladimir Putin as a head of state.
Noting successful development of bilateral relations between the two countries, Azerbaijani Premier stressed the importance of reciprocal visits to promote versatile fields of cooperation in coming years.
Tatarstan`s Premier Khalikov said he was for the first time in Azerbaijan. "We have brotherly relations in all levels", he underlined, saying the delegation he leads will hold numerous talks during the visit. Khalikov stressed keenness in cooperation in numerous economic fields, as well as in oil, chemistry and business ties.



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