Azerbaijan`s essential role in future EU energy security highlighted in the House of Lords

Standing room only was available in Committee Room G in the House of Lords on 16 February when energy expert Professor Alan Riley, City University, delivered an inspiring lecture, hosted by Lord Laird, on Post-Nabucco? The Options for the Southern Gas Corridor. The lecture, organized by the European Azerbaijan Society, was delivered before an audience of over 70 guests. 
Professor Riley outlined current and future Azerbaijani gas production, which will supply an additional 16 billion cubic meters per annum when the Shah Deniz 2 field comes on stream in 2017, much of which will be supplied to European customers. He commented: "This will be significant to European energy security. Azerbaijan also has the potential to become a major gas transit hub, supplying to the EU from resources across the Caspian region, particularly Turkmenistan."
He continued: "Gas will increasingly become the energy of choice for the EU. The cost of renewable energy generation remains very high, and coal has a significant environmental impact and is no longer favored by governments. Azerbaijani gas will play an essential role in the future. The Panama Canal is currently being widened in order that liquefied natural gas (LNG) may be transported. The EU needs to find other resources from more diverse suppliers. Although extraction remains expensive, shale gas could be used widely in the future."
Professor Riley then went on to outline the issues impacting other competing pipeline projects, including the Interconnector
In conclusion, professor Riley commented: "There needs to be a significant Azerbaijani gas supply to Europe, and that will enhance European energy security and position Azerbaijan as a major player in the international arena."
Riley`s lecture was followed by a series of questions and a lively networking session.



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