Baku hosts second Azerbaijan-Germany business forum (October 19th, 2011)

The second Azerbaijan-Germany business forum was held Wednesday in Baku as part of the visit of chief of Bavarian State Ministry of Economy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology`s department on international trade.
The forum was co-organized by the Azerbaijan Export & Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) and Germany-Azerbaijan Economic Union (DAWF) with support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Azerbaijan. It brought together about 100 businessmen from both countries.
Chief of Department of Economic Development Ministry of Azerbaijan Zaur Qasimov and Ulrike Wolf spoke at the event about the importance of business forums and meetings for expansion of cooperation among businessmen.
German ambassador to Azerbaijan Herbert Quelle said both countries had great potential to expand bilateral relationship. The ambassador underscored the importance of cooperation between businessmen in development of Azerbaijan-Germany economic cooperation.
Vice-president of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the participants on investment and export opportunities of Azerbaijan.
The Forum was followed by "roundtable meetings" where discussions focused on cooperation between German and Azerbaijani companies.



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