GUAM Secretary General: "Azerbaijan`s presidency at GUAM will give impetus to development of cooperation in energy sector"

"Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova agreed in Warsaw on expansion of cooperation with the European Union and develop energy projects," the minister of foreign affairs and European integration of Moldova Yuri Leanca said at the meeting of heads of the foreign ministries of GUAM held in the frame of Eastern Partnership Summit.
"Priorities of our countries is deepening and expansion of versatile cooperation in EU", he stressed, noting that existence and development of GUAM is impossible without cooperation with EU.
The key element of interaction should be expansion of economic ties, which includes continuation of creation of the free trade zones, realization of the concept of transport corridor, organization of joint tourist projects, as well as raise the role of GUAM in realization of regional energy programs, Yuri Leanca underlined.
At his words, the member countries have agreed to continue close interaction and cooperation within the Organization.
Speaking about new prospects in energy sector, Yuri Leanca stated that the negotiations are underway on realization of common energy projects which would be extremely useful for member countries.
General Secretary of GUAM Valery Chechelashvili said that the forthcoming presidency of Azerbaijan at the Organization will give impetus to development of cooperation in energy sector. At his words, GUAM`s territory is not large, but if to look attentively at the map, it is a part of the South Stream, which is being established in cooperation with the EU. "The energy cooperation has great prospects, including in the sphere of ensuring energy security of our countries", the Secretary General emphasized.





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