Asan İmza at French Smart Security Week

Azerbaijani mobile ID & signature technology “Asan İmza” continues drawing attraction of the global e-ID and trust services community – this time “Asan İmza” was presented at Smart Security Week 2016 – one of the prestigious events dedicated to the topics of e- & m-ID, contactless services, smart infrastructure solutions and cyber security, which took place on September 26-28 in Marseille, France.

It is worth to mention that the conferences which took place during the French Smart Security Week 2016 were attended by over 400 delegates from around the world including 80 speakers represented by global leaders and experts in e-ID, cyber-security, Internet of Things, machine-to-machine communications, big data and etc.

The founder of Azerbaijani company “B.EST Solutions”, Mrs. Jana Krimpe also joined the event and delivered a speech on the topic of “ Mobile ID – your mobile passport in the new generation government” at “World e-ID & Cybersecurity” conference held within the Week. Her speech took place under the plenary session titled “Worldwide deployments and use-cases” where along with the experience of Azerbaijan, the models of such countries like Japan, Canada and France were reviewed.

During the presentation of Mrs. Krimpe the audience was informed about the mobile ID and signature solution “Asan İmza” used in Azerbaijan. It was mentioned that this solution functions based on PKI infrastructure, which is the most advanced architecture for deployment of mobile ID technology in the world. The participants were also presented with the brief survey of the e-government in the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as the works implemented towards simplification of public services delivery process in the country via the innovative concept of ASAN Service first time ever applied by the Azerbaijani government. The key importance of the mobile ID solution “Asan İmza” in the process of transition from e- to m-government was noted. The audience highly valued such advantages of “Asan İmza” as easiness of implementation for e-service providers, accessibility and ubiquity for the population and highest security of transactions conducted in the e-environment.

During her speech, Mrs. Krimpe also spoke about the innovative services available with “Asan İmza” of such Azerbaijani public institutions as Ministry of Taxes, State Customs Committee, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, e-Government Portal and “ASAN Payment” portal as well as the financial sector of Azerbaijan. The highest assessment of the audience received, in particular, the Azerbaijani systems of e-tax and e-customs declaration and the unparalleled project of integration of “Asan İmza” mobile ID solution with the Call Center of the Azerbaijani Taxes Ministry thanks to which taxpayers are able to declare their taxes remotely and without using PC and Internet by calling the call center. The “Asan İmza” service attracted special interest of the representatives of World Bank with which a partnership is planned in the sphere of global presentation of the best practices and experience of Azerbaijan related to mobile ID technology.

It is worth to mention that in light of attractive export potential, the technology of “Asan İmza” is constantly presented at various international industry events under the slogan “Made in Azerbaijan”. “B.EST Solutions” actively participates at such events worldwide with an aim of presenting the achievements of Azerbaijan in the field of exploitation of the advanced mobile identity and signing tool as well as its interaction with various public and private e-platforms.

At present, the “Asan İmza” mobile ID service successfully functions within the single e-government concept in Azerbaijan and is being more widely used in the electronic systems of private service providers such as banks, insurance companies, online payment portals and etc.

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