“Asan İmza” presented in Tashkent

On September 19-23 of this year the capital of city of Uzbekistan, Tashkent hosted the “ICTWEEK Uzbekistan 2016” – an information-communications technologies week uniting a series of specialized events within a single format. At one of such events, namely the Internet Forum, the “B.EST Solutions” company presented the Azerbaijani mobile ID & e-signature technology – “Asan İmza”. During the forum the head of “B.EST Solutions” Mrs. Jana Krimpe delivered a speech on the topic of mobile identity in the course of which she spoke about the advantages and opportunities of the mobile e-signature technology and familiarized the audience with the current situation in the sphere of development of e-services and innovative solutions with the implementation of mobile ID tool. It was mentioned that mobile identity is the most flexible and efficient solution providing ubiquitous access to e-services of public and private institutions which strive to improve interaction with their users and raise the quality of rendered services. Mrs. Krimpe noted that thanks to innovative character and easiness of “Asan İmza” service, there are hundreds of e-services provided via this technology in Azerbaijan and those services can be accessed only by means of a mobile phone and an Asan İmza SIM-card which is unique for all three mobile network operators functioning in the country.

Particular interest of the audience attracted such e-services supported with “Asan İmza” as e-tax and e-customs declaration, online registration of legal entities, online opening of bank accounts, e-registration of labor agreements, e-registration of admission to higher schools, integration of mobile ID technology with call-centers, internet and mobile banking etc.

During the event there were bilateral meetings dedicated to the discussion of issues on possible cooperation in the sphere of introduction of mobile ID & e-signature technology in Uzbekistan based on the Azerbaijani model of “Asan İmza”.

This year’s “ICTWEEK Uzbekistan” event gathered entrepreneurs, managers and specialists from Russia, Great Britain, United States, South Korea, Belgium, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Israel, China, Switzerland and other countries. In general, the event was attended by over 400 participants including official persons and government representatives, heads of organizations and companies acting in ICT sector, international experts and analysts, representatives of large local and foreign IT enterprises etc.

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