
IDEA, Panthera launch new Caucasian leopard protection project

12.05.2014 | Readed: 4142

The International Dialogue for Environmental Protection, IDEA, and the world's leading cat conservation organization, Panthera, signed a memorandum of understanding on future cooperation. Signed by Vice-President of the Heydar......

Caucasian Biodiversity Summit starts at Heydar Aliyev Center Azerbaijani first lady Mehriban Aliyeva attends the Summit

08.05.2014 | Readed: 4114

On May 7th, the Caucasian Biodiversity Summit  kicked off at the Heydar Aliyev Center. The summit is organized by International Dialogue for Environmental Protection, IDEA, in partnership with the......

Climate impacts 'overwhelming' - UN

31.03.2014 | Readed: 4115

The impacts of global warming are likely to be "severe, pervasive and irreversible", a major report by the UN has warned. Scientists and officials meeting in Japan say the document......

Warning about sharp change in weather

28.03.2014 | Readed: 3831

According to the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, there is expected to be sharp change in the weather on the territory of the country. On March 29, south wind will intensify, but the rate of temperature regime is......

Study: Water could be flowing on Mars now

11.02.2014 | Readed: 3911

The presence of water on Mars is often talked about in the past tense -- as in, billions of years in the past. But researchers have found clues......

Minor quake strikes Azerbaijan`s Shabran District

03.12.2013 | Readed: 4242

A mild earthquake today occurred at 04:49 a.m. local time in Azerbaijan`s Shabran District, 17km north-west from Siyazan region. According to the Republican Seismological Service Center (RSSC) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the magnitude......

Azerbaijan to host first-ever Eco Picture Diary environmental contest

02.11.2013 | Readed: 6236

The first-ever international contest Eco Picture Diary was held among schoolchildren in Azerbaijan on November 1 and will last until November 15th. The national stage of the contest is organized by International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA),......

“Sustainable development and ecological civilization” round table held in Baku

02.11.2013 | Readed: 5452

A round table on “Sustainable development and ecological civilization” was held as a part of the 3rd Baku International Humanitarian Forum. About 80 participants from different countries are discussing the issues of sustainable development and the......

Minor quake hits Caspian Sea

09.10.2013 | Readed: 5667

On October 7th an earthquake occurred at 06:34 local time in the Caspian Sea, 247 km south-east from Altiagaj. According to the Seismological Service of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the quake had a magnitude of 3.00. The depth of......

IDEA marks World Environment Day

06.06.2013 | Readed: 4980

IDEA, International Dialogue for Environmental Action, campaign has held an interactive workshop titled “Azerbaijani ecosystems and landscape diversity” on the occasion of the World Environment Day. The event, which involved students interested in environmental protection and......

4.5-magnitude quake strikes south-west of Zagatala

30.12.2012 | Readed: 3942

On December 29th a magnitude 4.5 earthquake has today occurred at 13:15 local time 12km from south-west of Azerbaijan`s Zagatala region. According to the Seismological Service of the National Academy of Sciences, the tremors were felt in Zagatala and......

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