
Actual weather conditions observed from afternoon of December 14 till the morning of December 15

16.12.2016 | Readed: 4329

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology......

Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary river

13.12.2016 | Readed: 4385

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology......

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov attended 7th Azerbaijan International Environmental Exhibition Caspian Ecology 2016

19.11.2016 | Readed: 4380


Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary river

15.11.2016 | Readed: 4130

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, currently, water richness holds 180-230% of decade norm in Quba-Khachmaz region rivers of Major Caucasus, 240-350% in Minor Caucasus rivers, 60-90% in Lankaran-Astara region......

Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary river

12.11.2016 | Readed: 4409

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, currently, water richness holds 190-250% of decade norm in Quba-Khachmaz region rivers of Major Caucasus, 240-480% in Minor Caucasus......

Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary river

15.10.2016 | Readed: 4174

According to the National Department for Hydrometeorology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural......

FIFA first sports organization to sign up to UN climate campaign

14.09.2016 | Readed: 4216

Football's world governing body, FIFA, has become the first international sports organization to commit to a UN campaign to combat climate......

Elusive Arabian sand cat photographed in Abu Dhabi’s Western Region

13.08.2016 | Readed: 4390

For the first time in a decade, the elusive Arabian sand cat has been spotted and photographed in the deserts of the Western Region. According to the National UAE, the sightings are a significant step towards estimating the......

Quake jolts Azerbaijani sector of Caspian Sea

13.07.2016 | Readed: 4114

An earthquake has today hit the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, according to the Republican Seismological Service Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The quake was recorded at 04:36:36 local......

UN agricultural agency accord on illegal fishing set to enter into force

11.06.2016 | Readed: 4261

The world’s first-ever international agreement specifically targeting illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing is set to enter into force next month, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported, highlighting the accord’s importance......

Quake jolts Azerbaijani sector of Caspian Sea

25.05.2016 | Readed: 4102

An earthquake has today hit the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, according to the Republican Seismological Service Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The quake was recorded at 02:56:26 local time in the......

UN Environment Assembly opens in Nairobi aiming to ensure ‘healthy planet, with healthy people’

24.05.2016 | Readed: 4240

Hundreds of key global decision-makers are gathering in Kenya today for the second United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2), aiming to tackle some of the most critical issues facing our planet, from the air pollution that kills millions of people every year to......

Head of IDEA Public Union Leyla Aliyeva attends presentation of "The End of the line" documentary

12.05.2016 | Readed: 4115

"The End of the line" documentary, which was produced on the initiative of the International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA), has been held at Nizami Cinema Center. Vice president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation,......

Azerbaijan signs Paris Climate Agreement

03.05.2016 | Readed: 4149

Azerbaijan was one of the 175 countries that signed the historic Paris Agreement on climate change at the UN headquarters in New York. On the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev, the Paris Agreement of the UN Framework......

ADA University hosts discussions on "Climate change and global warming "

19.03.2016 | Readed: 4190

ADA University has hosted "Climate change and global warming” lecture as part of Global Perspectives Lecture Series. The event was attended by Azerbaijan's first lady, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and......

UNDP, SOCAR launch project for low-carbon end-use sectors

19.03.2016 | Readed: 3935

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) have today launched the project on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) for low-carbon end-use sectors of the......

Azerbaijan ranks 31st in Environmental Performance Index

06.02.2016 | Readed: 4345

Azerbaijan has ranked 31st among 180 countries in the Environmental Performance Index 2016 drawn up by Yale and Columbia universities. With 83.78 points out of 100, Azerbaijan outclassed other developed countries such as Japan, Belgium, Netherlands. Azerbaijan......

Sarah, the world's fastest captive cheetah, put down

06.02.2016 | Readed: 4005

Sarah, the world's fastest captive cheetah which was once recorded running at 61mph, has been put to sleep at Cincinnati zoo, according to The Telegraph. The decision to put down the 15-year-old animal was taken because the......

France to ban plastic bags from March 2016

01.02.2016 | Readed: 3829

Single use plastic bags are set to disappear from French checkouts by the end of March 2016, the ecology minister said on Monday. The law, part of France's energy transition bill, was originally due to come into force on......

Nations adopt climate change accord to fight global warming

15.12.2015 | Readed: 4955

About 195 countries have unanimously agreed to adopt universal climate agreement, signalling the commitment to cut down the rate of greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global warming, according to the Daily......

Getting to a new climate deal: ‘It seems impossible until it is done’

15.12.2015 | Readed: 4786

The Paris Agreement was gavelled through Saturday night, binding countries together into a unified matrix of progressively stronger climate action, starting in 2020 and, in principle, extending through the rest of the century. Invoking Nelson Mandela, French......

World's second-oldest panda celebrates 35th birthday

30.11.2015 | Readed: 3736

Basi, the world's second-oldest panda, celebrated her 35th birthday on Saturday in Fuzhou, east China's Fujian Province, according to BBC. The panda, who is more than 100 in human years, became famous across China when she was chosen as the prototype for Pan Pan,......

Ban Ki-moon hopeful of ambitious agreement at Paris Climate summit

26.11.2015 | Readed: 3499

United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki-moon has said that he is hopeful of an ambitious universal agreement at the Paris Climate Summit, according to the Asian News International news agency (ANI). Speaking at the two-day......

Children will bear the brunt of climate change – UNICEF report

26.11.2015 | Readed: 3249

More than half a billion children live in areas with extremely high flood occurrence and 160 million in high drought severity zones, leaving them highly exposed to the impacts of climate change, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report......

Climate change a "serious threat" to food security

14.11.2015 | Readed: 4369

Changes to typical climatic patterns in many parts of the world could mean that around two billion people will be battling hunger and malnutrition in the years ahead, according to UN Multimedia. The UN's Special Rapporteur......

1, 800 billion people to live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity by 2025 - UN agency

29.08.2015 | Readed: 4761

At the start of the World Water Week conference in Stockholm, Sweden, the United Nations agriculture agency announced that it would develop a new open-access data portal that uses satellite imagery to provide insights into more efficient and productive use of......

Quantity of biogenic substances in Kur and Araz rivers exceeds norm

09.07.2015 | Readed: 5161

The National Monitoring Department on Environment of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan has conducted a monitoring on the rivers Kur and Araz in the first decade of June to study the level of pollution of the rivers and their......

“Ecological Management” textbook published

29.05.2015 | Readed: 3062

  The 2-volume textbook on......

One-millionth tree planted in Zira, Khazar district, under ''Green Marathon” project

13.05.2015 | Readed: 2924

  The one-millionth tree......

California’s Forests Have Become Climate Polluters

01.05.2015 | Readed: 3053

California introduced a world-leading carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program to drive down pollution rates after lawmakers approved an ambitious climate protection law in 2006. It also changed rules affecting utilities, spurring investments in some of......

Our year of opportunity for a green, just and sustainable future

23.04.2015 | Readed: 2999

We are alive in a pivotal year, writes the Earth League. 2015 offers the opportunity to build a sustainable and prosperous future for people and planet. But if we fail to act on climate change, safeguard crucial ecosystems and biodiversity, and secure a just and......

Trace Amounts of Fukushima Radiation Turn Up in Canada

08.04.2015 | Readed: 3003

Very low levels of radioactive chemicals that leaked from Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster have been detected along the North American coast for the first time, scientists said yesterday (April......

Climate Change Could Damage Oceans for Millennia

08.04.2015 | Readed: 2966

A study has found that it might take thousands of years for the ocean to recover from climate change. Researchers studied more than 5,400 fossils from a 30-foot-long core sample taken from the Pacific Ocean floor near Santa Barbara, California, and found that it......

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov, will hold the meeting with citizens in Shabran on 13 March

05.03.2015 | Readed: 2999

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov will hold the meeting with citizens living in Shabran, Guba, Gusar, Khachmaz, Khizi and Siyazan in center named after Heydar Aliyev (Address: Heydar Aliyev avenue) in Shabran at 10:00 on......

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov has met the citizens in Sabirabad

31.01.2015 | Readed: 2844

On 30 January, 2015 Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov, held the meeting with the citizens of Sabirabad, Saatli, Hajigabul and Shirvan in the center named after Heydar Aliyev in Sabirabad. The meeting was attended......

2014 warmest year on record, say US researchers

19.01.2015 | Readed: 3088

2014 was the warmest year on record, with global temperatures 0.68C (1.24F) above the long-term average, US government scientists have said. The results mean that 14 of the 15......

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov, will accept citizens in Agdash on 26 December

17.12.2014 | Readed: 4019

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov will accept the citizens of Agdash, Yevlakh regions and Mingachevir at 10:00, on 26 December 2014, in the Heydar Aliyev Center in Agdash (Address: Heydar Khiabani 5). To sign up for citizens......

Current condition in the rivers of the Republic and in the transboundary rivers

15.11.2014 | Readed: 3910

According to the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, currently, water richness holds 120-150% of decade norm in Quba-Khachmaz region......

UN climate summit pledges to halt the loss of natural forests by 2030

25.09.2014 | Readed: 3977

Governments, multinational companies and campaigners are pledging to halt the loss of the world’s natural forests by 2030. A declaration announced as part of a UN summit on climate change being held in New York also pledges to halve the rate of......

Heydar Aliyev Center hosts event dedicated to presentation of National Geographic Azerbaijan magazine

04.09.2014 | Readed: 3975

The Heydar Aliyev Center has hosted an event dedicated to the presentation of “National Geographic Azerbaijan magazine”. “National Geographic Azerbaijan” debuts with the September 2014 issue, which leads with a feature on......

Azerbaijan to join Milan Expo 2015

07.07.2014 | Readed: 4089

The exhibition, titled "Feeding the planet, energy for life" will play an important role in introducing the world to the history and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, as well as the country's economic and cultural potential. The......

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov, will hold the meeting with citizens in Shaki on 27 June

19.06.2014 | Readed: 3859

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Huseyn Bagirov will hold the meeting with citizens of Shaki, Zagatala, Balakan, Gakh, Gabala and Oguz regions at 10:00, on 27 June, 2014 in Shaki Olympic Center (Address: Salman Mumtaz str. 1 Shaki......

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