Warning about sharp change in weather

According to the National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, there is expected to be sharp change in the weather on the territory of the country.
On March 29, south wind will intensify, but the rate of temperature regime is likely to rise. From March 29 to 30, north-west wind will intensify, sharp in some areas and temperature is expected to fall 10-14˚C. On March 29, the weather is predicted to be rainy in some north and west regions, but On March 30 in most of regions, sleet in some areas, there is also a chance of snow in mountains and foothills areas.It should be noted that, on March 28, depending on the course of the process, will be presented more accurate information.


 The National Hydrometeorology Department

of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

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