Trainings held for the purpose of prevention of forest fires

The employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (MENR) jointly with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Azerbaijan Republic conducted trainings with the purpose to provide interception of possible environmental emergency situations in our forests, conformity with fire safety rules, examination of readiness for the implementation of duties during any fire accident, and enhancement and perception of methods of struggle against wildfires.
The trainings included methods of fire extinguishment by various means in any fire accident, pressure of water to longer distances via the especially appointed fire extinguishing vehicle of the center, and prevention of a fire from dispersion to large area, immediate involvement of rescue forces and equipment in a fire accident area, and run of them were demonstrated to the personnel.
   The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources warns people once again to be cautious with fire, seriously keep fire safety rules connected with the hot weather, and protect forests and greeneries.


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