Consequences of the monitoring implemented in Kura and Araz transboundary rivers (for the second decade of March)

The National Monitoring Department on Environment of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources carried out the next monitoring for the second decade of March with the purpose of investigation of the contamination level of Kura and Araz transboundary rivers, as well as their transboundary confluents.

Water consumption in Kura river held 245 m3/sec in the second decade of March increasing 56m3/sec in relation to the first decade of March. According to the results of the monitoring in Kura river the amount of bio substances were considerably more than norm due to domestic wastes and slops of industrial institutions discharged directly to water objects without purification from the territories of Georgia and Armenia. Phenol and copper compounds as specific contaminants in the water component exceeded the admissible turbidity level. In this regard phenols and copper compounds exceeded the turbidity level trice and five fold in Shikhli 2 settlement, thrice and fourfold in Aghstafachay settlement, thrice and twice in Aghstafachay. In second decade of March within Araz river phenols and copper compounds exceeded the turbidity level twice, twice and one fold in Horadiz settlement, trice and trice in I Shahsevan settlement, twice and twice in Bahramtapa settlement respectively. The water oxygen regime changed within the sanitary norm in all settlements being about 6.15-7.22mg/l.

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