President decrees on establishment of Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on December 21 issued a Decree on establishment of the Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park, to ensure necessary environment for development of industrial production on the base of competitive and innovative high technology, promote and support entrepreneurship and stable development of non-oil sector in the country, to increase occupancy of manpower recourses in production sphere.
The Decree envisions, through application of modern technology and necessary infrastructure and management units, to implement entrepreneurial activity in the industrial park, to render effective and competitive services, promote to define establishment of enterprises for production and consumption in the oil-chemical and other priority industrial fields.
The Economic Development Ministry is assigned to dismantle the obsolete structures, making lands suitable for usage, as well as organizing internal and external infrastructure and rendering services, to ensure implementation of the defined actions.
Under the Economic Development Ministry a separate Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park LTD has been created.
Appropriate state bodies have been tasked to undertake measures to implement the presidential Decree.



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