President of Azerbaijan decrees on organization of biennial World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Azerbaijan

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan decreed on organization of biennial World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Azerbaijan beginning from 2011.
The Decree says that current year on 7-9 April with the participation of representatives from 102 world states and over 10 international organizations the World Intercultural Dialogue Forum was held in Baku. The major goal of the Forum was to consider separate aspects of intercultural dialogue in modern societies characterizing with verity and pluralism, and promote its strengthening on the local, regional and global levels.
Under the Decree, beginning from 2011 the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue will be held in Azerbaijan every two years, the goal of which is to establish, taking into account the role of Azerbaijan in strengthening of dialogue and confidence between the Islamic world and the Western civilizations and other cultures, the global platform for intercultural cooperation, and bring and popularize the tolerant culture and historical traditions of Azerbaijan to the world communities.
The coordinator of organization is the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Under the Decree, the Cabinet of Ministers shall within two months submit its proposals on organization of the World Intercultural Dialogue Forum to the President of Azerbaijan.

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