Spouse of Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits National History Museum of Azerbaijan

On October 18th spouse of Chairman of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Sebia Izetbegović visited the National History Museum of Azerbaijan.
She was informed on the history of the museum.
The museum building was constructed in 1895-1897 and it was the residence of famous entrepreneur and philanthropist of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev. The building began its activity as a museum in 1920.
Izetbegović viewed the displays concerning Albania, Atropatene and Shirvanshah, historical states in present-day Azerbaijan.
The museum operates as scientific research and cultural-enlightenment institution under the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).
About 300 thousand patterns immortalizing the history of Azerbaijani nation are saved in various funds of the museum.
Sebia Izetbegović also familiarized herself with items of the Memorial House-Museum of Haji Zeynal Abdin Tagiyev.
Sebia Izetbegović signed the museum`s guests book.



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