"Big Miracle" was screened within the framework of IDEA Campaign`s "Eco Cinema" project

IDEA (International Dialogue for Environmental Action) launched on July 12, 2011 by Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva successfully continues "Eco Cinema" project.
It is pertinent here to mention that having already caused great interest by a wide range of students, "Eco Cinema" project, which biweekly takes place at IDEA Resource Center based at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, devoted to environmental issues is intended to demonstrate documentary films on environmental topics.
The world famous movie "Big Miracle" was demonstrated on July 13, 2012 within the framework of "Eco Cinema" project. It is worth mentioning that "Big Miracle" has been presented to public a few months ago and in short term gained popularity.
The main events of the film take place in the endless ice deserts of Alaska. The film is about the salvation of whale family that fell into trap. The residents of small nearby town are doing their bests to help them. "Big Miracle" draws people's attention to taking care of nature. The film also calls on countries to cooperate on solving environmental issues. That was why, students were very interested in the above-mentioned film.
After demonstration of the film, there was held 45-minute discussion among the students related to the problems touched on the film.



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