New York audience fascinated by Azerbaijani movie

Premiere of the feature film "Ali and Nino" shot in Azerbaijan on the basis of the novel of the same name, the world best-seller of Gurban Said was held in New York. The premiere of the film the project manager and executive producer of which is the vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva took place in the famous cinema “Sunshine” of New York.

Addressing the audience, producer of the movie Chris Thykier emphasized that tolerance and multiculturalism are one of the most current questions of our generation and time, noted that in this context the movie "Ali and Nino" sends to society, people an important message. Chris Thykier noted special role of the vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva in creation of the movie.

Along with such world famous figures of the film industry as Chris Thykier, as special guests were invited to the action Adam Bakri, the player of the main character, and Mandy Patinkin. Adam Bakri who addressed the audience noted that the movie "Ali and Nino" is a history of the strong love which united different people from different places.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan in the USA Elin Suleymanov who emphasized that this work by Gurban Said reflects an important part of the history and culture of Azerbaijan and the region, made a speech at the premiere. He also noted that the film shot on the basis of an important part of Azerbaijani cultural heritage – the work "Ali and Nino", will be able to play an interesting role in understanding of national identities in the region and their mutual relations.

The movie "Ali and Nino" was met by the audience with great interest and cheers. After demonstration of the film, numerous audience noted that the movie made a great emotional impression on them.

The movie "Ali and Nino" will be shown at many cinemas of New York.

Yusif Babanly,
Special correspondent

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