Youth House within European Youth Capital project opened in Ganja

The Youth House within the “European Youth Capital” project has opened in Ganja.

The event brought together Azerbaijani President`s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov, Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov Executive Governor of Ganja city Elmar Valiyev, public figures, MPs, representative of the non-governmental organizations.

The European Youth Capitals project was launched by the European Youth Forum in 2009. The project aims to develop international cooperation of the local and foreign youth organizations, and also exchange of experience among national youth organizations of the countries whose cities were elected the European Youth Capitals.

The European Youth Capital is a title awarded to a European city for the period of one year, during which it is given the chance to showcase, through a multi-faceted program, its youth-related cultural, social, political and economic life and development.

The initiative encourages cities to both continue and expand the implementation of new ideas and the innovative projects with regard to the active participation of young people in society, and seeks to present a role model for further development of youth policies in other European municipalities.

Locating some 375 km away from Baku, Ganja is differ from its ancient architectural monuments.

The northeastern foot of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains is a picturesque place which has attracted many people across the centuries. This made the history of the region profound and captivating. Ganja is significant to the politico-economic and cultural life of the country since the earliest of times.

The region is famous for its nature, namely Goygol Lake and reserve. A large mountain lake surrounded by the mountains of the Lesser Caucasus was formed at a result of a devastating earthquake that destroyed the mountain Kapaz in the 12th century.


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