AZERTAC’s photo wins bronze medal of Photographic Exhibition "Contrast 2016"

Photo taken by AZERTAC`s employee has won the bronze medal of the International Photographic Association of the Master of Light.

Taken by photographer Ilgar Jafarov, the photo is entitled “Rememdered youth”.

On the International Photo Salon Contrast 2016, the organizing committee counted 3578 arrived photos from 304 authors from 61 countries. All received photos are fabulous with special cultural characteristics that makes photo contest step up to a higher level of artistic quality.

The judges Milorad Kascelan, Mirsad Mujanovic and Dragoslav Mirkovic decided to accept 164 photographs in section contrast, 332 photographs in section color, 262 photographs in section monochrome, 157 photographs in section wildlife, 243 photographs in section travel and in section sports 144 photographs.

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