Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan

For the purposes of buying computer equipments for Treasure Departments No 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and Absheron district Finance Department, buying licensed operation systems and software for Khachmaz district Finance Department, Treasure Departments No 1-12 and Sumgayit and Ganja Finance Departments in order to applying Treasure Information System Management (TIMS) announces a tender
Tenderer: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Address: 83, Samad Vurgun Street, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1022. 1. All interested parties are invited to participate in the open tender of supplying computer equipments for Treasure Departments No 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and Absheron district Finance Department, buying licensed operation systems and software for Khachmaz district Finance Department, Treasure Departments No 1-12 and Sumgayit and Ganja Finance Departments in order to applying Treasure Information System Management (TIMS) that will comply with DDP Baku (delivery and insurance costs paid before place of destination) requirements, meet defined deadlines and technical specifications.
2. Tender procedure will be held on the fourth floor, room 404, of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 25th 2010 at 11:00 AM.
3. Bidders are required to provide the following documents in order to participate in the tender:
3.1. an application to participate in the tender;
3.2. a bank reference certifying the payment of participation fee;
4. Tender proposals have to be submitted to the department of the Modern Technology and Automated Management Systems of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Deadline for submitting tender proposals is 10.00 a.m., November 24th 2010.
4.1. To be eligible for consideration bidders are required to have production conditions and products that confirm to international standards; have experience in buying and providing computer equipments and software products (or similar filed); be professional; have excellent management skills; be technical and financial opportunities; conduct their businesses under Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On State Procurement". Companies that have not material technical base (possibilities to use independently and unlimited its property) and have distribution activities are not eligible to participate in this tender;
4.2. Tender proposals should contain all parameters characterizing the subject-matter of the tender including technical specifications of the work performing, time of performance, cost, settlement method, and place of performance;
4.3. All the products have to comply with international standards requirements, be properly certified, manufactured by a well-known internationally recognized company and provided with a guarantee of the technical usage
4.4. Tender proposals drown up in writing form shall be put into two envelopes to be signed and stamped by relevant bidder.
5. The following information on the bidder shall be provided in documents:
5.1. Bidder's full name, address, legal status, country of registration;
5.2. information on the bidder's technical-production activity (main directions of bidder's business);
5.3. certificate issued by a bank based on the balance indicators illustrating the financial position of the bidder for the last year.
6. Each bidder must provide bank guaranty for 5 percent of the proposal cost.
7. Bidders to the tender on providing required products can obtain collection of the tender's terms and conditions only after applying to the Ministry of Finance and paying participation fee in the amount of 150 (one hundred fifty) manats or equivalent of this amount in US dollars based on the exchange rate determined by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic on the day of actual payment.
The participation fee shall be transferred to the following account:
The State Treasury Agency of the Ministry of Finance, First Treasury Department
Settlement account: 33205019449328518204,
VÖEN 17 009 861 81
Bank: International Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Code: 805722,
Corresponding account: 0137010002944
VÖEN: 9 900 001 881,
8. The contact person for receiving bids and providing additional information is Mr. Elchin Qasimov, the head adviser of the Modern Technology and Automated Management Systems department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Additional information may be obtained from 10.00 to 18.00 from October 8st through November 24th 2010 (lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00). Address: 83, Samad Vurgun str., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1022,
2nd floor, room No 206.
Phone: (+99 412) 404 - 47 - 06
Fax: (+99412) 404 - 47 - 20
9. Collection of the main terms of condition of the tender has been prepared in Azeri, and translated in English.
10. Tender is conducted in accordance with the Law on "On State Purchases" of the Republic of Azerbaijan.{nl}

Tender Commission




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