“Azerbaijan Steel Production Complex” CJSCo. Competition for the following vacancies announces

1. International relations Specialist;

 Requirements: Higher education, 10 years of work experience on International relations , fluent knowledge of Japanese and English languages , 5 years of work experience in Japan or Japanese companies (Canditates with TOEFL-IELTS certificate and the third foreign language knowledge are preffered).

2. Metallurgical engineer on pellet production;

3. Metallurgical engineer on direct reduction;

4. Metallurgical engineer on production of steel products.

Requirements for  metallurgical engineer profession:  Higher technical education, 5 years of working experience in the relevant field, a high level of English language (2nd foreign language is welcomed).

The workers under the age of 25-40 are required on above mentioned professions.

Please visit our vebsite (www.aspc.az), fill out the cv template and send to below mentioned e-mail.

E-mail: [email protected]

Address: AZ 1108, Baku city. M.K.Ataturk avenue 57/C

Tel: (012) 599-19-09


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