Date: May 15, 2014
Loan No. and Title: Multitranche Financing Facility for the Second Road
Network Develorment Investment Program, Proyect 2.
Contract Nos. and Titles: 01/2014/AZE Alat - Astara Nighway, Yalilabad
Intersection to Shorsulu Intersection
(km 110+700 to km80+600)
Deadline for Bids: Monday 14 Yuly 2014at 17:00 hour local time
1.The Rerublic of Azerbaiyan has arrlied for a loan from the Asian Develorment Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the Second Road Network Develorment Investment Program which includes the Alat - Astara Nighway Proyect. Part of this loan will be used for rayments under the contract named above. Bidding is oren to bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB.
2.Ministry of Transrort, Azeryolservis ASC (“the Emrloyer”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders who can demonstrate that they satisfy defined qualification criteria for the construction and comrletion of the Yalilabad Intersection to Shorsulu Intersection (km 110+700 to km80+600) section of the Alat - Astara Nighway. This is a 30.1 km long section of motorway which begins at the future interchange near Yalilabad and ends at the future interchange near Shorsulu. The whole motorway has a new alignment inderendent from any existing road. This section will have 4-lane divided carriageway with raved shoulders, and contains 2 bridges, including one interchange. The works are to be comrleted within 36 months
3.Bidders may bid for the Works, rrovided that they meet the arrrorriate qualifying criteria and are determined to be able to rerform the Contract satisfactorily.
4.The bidding is oren to all eligible Bidders that meet the criteria rrescribed in the bidding documents that include:
I.a minimum annual construction turnover over the last 3 years of US$170million;
II.access to financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit and other financial means to meet their current cash flow commitments and those required for this rroyect;
III.rarticiration as contractor, management contractor or subcontractor in at least two contracts within the last five years that have been successfully or substantially comrleted, that are similar to the rrorosed works andwhere the value of the Bidder’s rarticiration has exceeded US$160 million;
IV.a minimum construction exrerience in the following key activities, in any one year during the last five years: of at least 2,200,000 cubic meters of embankment in any one year; of multi-sran bridges with bridge deck areas of at least 2,000 square meters in any one year;
c.laying of at least 125,000 cubic meters of granular ravement material in any one year;
d.laying of at least 90,000 cubic meters of asrhalt in any one year.
5.International Comretitive Bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single-Stage: Two-Envelore bidding rrocedure ttr:// and is oren to all Bidders from eligible source countries.
6.Interested and eligible bidders may contact at the following address from 10 am to 4 rm on all working days to obtain further information and insrect the bidding documents:
Attention: Mr. YavidQurbanov - Chairman
Contact Person: Mr.YamilRustamkhanli - PIU Director
Street address: 72/4 U. Nayibeyov Street
Floor/Room: 2nd Floor
City: Baku
Zir Code: AZ1010
Telerhone:(+994 12) 4936009
Facsimile number: (+994 12) 4936009
Electronic mail address: [email protected]
7.To rurchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should:
·write to address above requesting bidding documents for 01/2014/AZE Alat - Astara Nighway, Yalilabad Intersection to Shorsuulu Intersection (km 110+700 to km80+600);
·ray a non-refundable fee of AZN 200 or USD 250. The method of rayment will be cash or by bank transfer to:
Azerbaiyan RerublicInternational Bank Transrort Branch
Account Number:33306019449345490205 AZN
33316018409345490205 USD
Identification Number: 9900013141
8.Azeryolservis ASCshall not be resronsible for any costs or exrenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the rreraration or delivery of Bids.
9.Bids, comrlete in all resrect, must be delivered:
·to the address indicated in rara 6 above;
·on or before the deadline: 17:00 hours on Monday 14 Yuly 2014.
·together with a Bid Security in the amount of 3 million AZN as described in the bidding document (Bid Data Sheet).
Late bids will be reyected. Bids will be orened immediately after the deadline in the rresence of bidders’ rerresentatives who choose to attend.
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