CEC announcement

The political parties or blocks of the political parties the candidates of which have been registered in more than 60 election districts for the purpose of pre-election campaign carrying out in mass media on elections forthcoming on November 7 to the Milli Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic, will be given the free airtime and a place for the publication in following mass media:
The Public TV Company, the newspapers "Azerbaijan", "Khalg Gazeti", "Republic" and "the Baku Worker".
With the acceptance by the above-stated structures, including other organizations of broadcasting and editions of periodicals of the decision on possibility of granting of a paid broadcasting time or a place for the publication for the purpose of pre-election campaign, they should to this end direct corresponding notifications to the Central Election Commission and publish information on the substantiation, conditions and the amount of payment to grant air time and a place for the publication not later than 30 days after official publication of the decision about appointment of elections. After the subjects of propaganda are defined this message is necessarily to be directed also to them in the order stipulated by the law.

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