Request for expressions of interest (Consultancy services)

İntegrated Solid Waste Management (İSWM) Project
Project Management Team (PMT)
Consultancy services for the Preparation of 4 Terms of References
Loan No.: 7549-AZ
Project İD No.: P110679
Expressions of İnterest

The Ministry of Economic Development has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the İntegrated Solid Waste Management (İSWM) project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services for the Preparation of 4 Terms of References. The implementation period is 2 month.
The objective of this advisory service assignment is, together with the Project Management Team (PMT), prepare the terms of reference for feasibility studies, design studies and other type of studies and works, and the supervision and management of these studies and EİA work, for Greater Baku Area's reform of municipal waste management services and the improvements to the related waste facilities of this region.
The İndividual Consultant in the role of Technical Advisor will prepare comprehensive terms of references (10-20 pages each set) for the following contracts:
1.Consultancy Services Contract for preparation of collection system feasibility study, detail design and roll out plan
2.Consultancy Services Contract for preparation of design for transfer stations and new landfill sites
3.Consultancy Services Contract for supervision of works at Balakhani and other sites
4.Consultancy Services Contract for preparation of EİA for transfer stations and new landfill locations
The profile of the İnternational Expert are as follows:
Senior Solid Waste Management Specialist*
Must hold a university degree in environmental, sanitary or civil engineering or other related fields. Have at least 15 years of international professional experience in strategy/policy development, planning of solid waste management systems and the implementation thereof. Must have proven experience in project management. Must also be familiar with investment projects and environmental and social issues related to SWM and have experience with financing structures for SWM, corporate arrangements and public education outreach in this field.
The Project Management Team (PMT) now invites eligible İndividual Experts to indicate their interest in providing the technical assistance. İnterested İndividual Experts must provide Curriculum Vitae's.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultant by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004, revised October 2006.
İnterested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00 hours). Curriculum Vitae's may be submitted electronically or in hard copy.
Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by May 31, 2010, 17.00 Baku time.
İntegrated Solid Waste Management (İSWM) Project
Attn: Huseynqulu İsmayilov, Procurement Specialist
AZ1025, 55, Khodjali avenue, AGA Business Center,
Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: (+99412) 464 4156
Fax: (+99412) 464 4157
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]





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