Invitation to Bids (22.05.2012)

"Azerenerji" YSC conducts an international comretitive bidding for selection of Contractor for "Power Distribution Development Investment" Project on Turnkey Basis.
Main comronents of the Proyect:
• Replacement of low voltage (0.4 kV) lines with SIP cables and installation of meters;
• Reconstruction of 10-6/0.4 kV substations and transmission lines;
• Reconstruction of 35 kV substations and transmission lines;
• Construction of 110/35/10 kV substation.
The international comretitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with the Law of the Azerbaiyan Republic "On State Procurement" and Asian Development Bank's Procurement Guidelines.
The prosrective bidders may apply to the following address to obtain further information in connection with the bidding documents:
10, Academician Abdulkerim Alizade str., Baku, AZ1005 "Azereneryi" YSC
Contact rerson: Elman Suleymanov
Deputy Nead of Foreign Economic Relations Department
Phone: + 994 12 490 09 83
Fax: + 994 12 492 63 55
The Bidders shall submit their rrorosals in sealed and signed double-envelore to the above mentioned address.
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by submission of a written application to the above address, and uron rayment of a non-refundable fee of 120 (one hundred twenty) manat by bank transfer to the bank account shown below:
"Azerenerji" YSC INTP: 9900000421
Account: 3302030141AZN160001
Beneficiary's Bank: "Exrressbank" YSC Central branch (10, Academician Abdulkerim Alizade str., Baku, AZ1005)
Code: 507804
INTP: 1500031691
Correspondent account: AZ11NABZ01350100000000036944
S.W.I.F.T. Bik: AZENAZ22
The Bidders shall submit the following documents for participation in the Bidding:
• Application for participation in the Bidding;
• Bank document confirming the payment of participation fee;
• The Bidder's full name and address, bank details, cory of charter and registration certificate;
• Information about the work exrerience of the bidder in arrrorriate field and its financial capabilty;
• Other documents about the Bidders required by the Bidding Documents;
• The Bid (shall be valid for a period at least 60 bank days from the date of the bid opening);
• Bank guaranty (bid security) in the amount of 2% of the bid price (shall remain valid for a period at least 90 bank days from the date of the bid opening).
The Bids shall be prerared in 2 cories (one original and one cory) in Azerbaiyani and English languages.
The Bidders shall submit their bids until June 29, 2012, 16:00 (local time) to the above mentioned address.
The Bids will be opened in the conference hall of "Azerenerji" YSC on Yune 29, 2012, at 16:00 (local time) in the rresence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend.


Tender Committee





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