Date: March 1, 2012 Loan No. and Title: 2842-AZE, Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Program - Project 2 Contract No. and Title: MFF-032-T2-ICB-1.03, Completion of Construction of Water Intake Facilities and Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sewerage Networks in Goychay Town, Package 2 (International Competitive Bidding)
Deadline for Bids April 20, 2012, 16:00 hours (local time)

1.The Republic of Azerbaijan intends to apply for a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Program-Project 2. Part of this loan will be used for payments under the International Competitive Bidding (ICB) named above. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source countries of the ADB. Qualifying requirements for assessment on a "Pass/Fail" basis are stipulated in Section 3, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria of the bidding document.
2.The Azersu Open Joint Stock Company ("the Employer") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Completion of Construction of Water Intake Facilities and Rehabilitation of Water Supply and Sewerage Networks in Goychay Town, Package 2 consisting of, but not limited to, the followings:
Water Intake Facilities
Drilling of 2 artesian wells (depth=140m), including installation of casing pipes with filter, water lifting pipes and submersible pump. Construction of 2 units of wellhead cubicles. Lying of feeding power supply line and installation of transformer.
Water Supply System
Construction of water distribution network - about 55,500 m.
Rehabilitation of asphalt and gravel roads - about 45,000 m2.
Connection of houses including supply and installation of water meters - 3,340 sets.
Sewerage System
Construction of wastewater (sewerage) network - 46,600 m
Rehabilitation of asphalt and gravel roads - about 45,300 m2.
Connection of houses - 2,340 sets. ("the Works").
The estimated implementation period is 548 days.
3. All the works described above must be implemented as shown in the drawings and specifications. Part works under the Water Distribution and Sewerage Networks have been / will be implemented through other contracts and bidders should review the details indicated in Section 6, Employer's Requirement of the bidding document.
4. To obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents, bidders should contact: Dr. Madar Guliyev,
Head of Division of Coordination of International Projects Azersu JSC
67 Moscow Ave., AZ1012, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
Tel: + 99412 530 43 44
Fax: + 99412 430 29 11
E-mail: [email protected]

5. To purchase the bidding documents in English, eligible bidders should:
(a)visit the office of Azersu OJSC at the address indicated above and pay a nonrefundable fee of Manat 100 or US$ 130 in cash, or
(b)request for delivery by sending a written application to Azersu OJSC at the address indicated above after directly depositing to account stated below Manat 100 or US$ 130 for local delivery or Manat 200 or US$ 260 for overseas delivery. The document will be sent by courier. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.
Beneficiary's Name:"Azersu" OJSC
Beneficiary's Bank: International Bank of Azerbaijan
Local currency account No:CCS 308718 AZN 3302-01
Foreign currency account No:CCS 308718 USD 3312-01

6. The bidding document can be picked up at the office of AZERSU against proof of payment either by cash or by electronic transfer. Alternatively, against written request and after payment, the AZERSU will send the bidding documents by courier to interested bidders. The bidding documents will be issued in electronic format (DVD) only.
7. Please deliver your bid:
to the address: Azersu OJSC, 67, Moscow Avenue, 3rd floor, room 321, AZ1012 Baku, Azerbaijan;
on or before the deadline April 20, 2012 at 16:00 hour (local time)
together with a Bid Security as specified in the bidding document (Sections 1 & 2, para.: ITB 19.1)
8. Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend.





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